On 18th December in our school we witnessed our teachers' letting their hair down, as they transformed themselves into the characters from famous Polish poems for kids. As a result, we felt as if we were in a fairytale.

The discribed story was placed in a teachers' common room which was visited by such extraordinary creatures as the ladybird, Mr Toadstool, the duck and the hippo all of which of course were acted by the profs of our school.
We believe that the person who played the biggest role in the performance was the one who some of you have already got to know and some of you are going to meet during our exchange - it's of course our English teacher. The variety of the characters he played was appreciated by the audience.
The money, gathered during the sale of christmas cards and the tickets for the show bought both by students and their parents, was donated to the 12-yaer-old girl suffering from a serious illness called encephalopathy. We raised over 5000 PLN (about 1300 euro)
Not only did our school help the person in need but also we, as the students, were given the golden opportunity to see the more natural and down-to-earth face of our, normally strict and serious, teachers. The show turned out to be beneficial for everyone involved and we hope that in the future we will be able to see more such events.

Since our winter holidays have already started we would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Made by: Agnieszka Paszkowska, Karolina Zając, Kamila Żmijewska
Fantastic!!! I have no words to describe what I feel. First of all, of course, I think the reason behind such a show was praiseworhty. Secondly, having the opportunity of seeing Marcin in such a disguise is priceless. I'm thinking of asking him to repeat his performance in Barcelona when you come. Merry Christmas to everybody.
that was great :D
Thanks for this post! It's great. We already knew about your sense of humour but ,Marcin, you look great in the pictures!!!!!!! You've revealed a new aspect of your personality. I think your talents are wasted as a teacher. Go for acting!
Yes, and we failed to add that it was the second time our teachers have got involved in such an undertaking. Last year, it was a real Nativity play. If You want to see some photos, here's a link: http://jaselka.pl/?cat=58.(Unfortunately the subtitles are in Polish but I believe they aren't really important.)
Agnieszka, we also failed to add that not only did the teachers recite but also sing a lot ;) during this performance! It was incredible!
Yes, that's just what I was thinking:) And in fact I was favourably surprised by some performers.
I'm short for words :-) Thank you. Great job.
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