We could say that snowboarding is an extreme sport where you have to keep your balance while you slide.The development of snowboarding was inspired by surfing and skateboarding, and the sport shares superficial similarities with skiing. It became a winter olympic sport in 1998. To practise this sport you need a snowboard attached to the foot with a special boot.

Every ski slopes has a colour that means the level of it. For example:
Green -> Ver easy
Blue -> Easy
Red -> Medium
Black -> Difficult
I started practising these sports when I was 10. The bad thing of this sport is that you have to wait until winter. I always go to Andorra to practise them. Firstly I started to practise ski because it was the ‘’normal’’ thing, there was not many people doing snowboarding; but last year I learnt to ski and I wanted to try something new so that’s why I started practising it. In my family my sister and I are the only ones who do it because my dad and my mom are scared to fall and be hurt or something like that. As you can see , in the photo I’m wearing a helmet because a lot of people that don’t know how to do it go to ski slopes that aren’t appropriate for their level and then they can hurt you.

When I’m skiing I can go to the black ski slopes but I’m scared because I think I’ll start to go down and I won’t be able to stop, so then the maximum ski slopes that I use is the red one. And when I’m snowboarding I can go to the black too but I just go to the blue and green ski slopes.
Another important thing is the equipment because it changes depending on the kind of sport you practice.
In ski people usually wear tight clothes, the typical clothes, but people that do snowboarding wear baggy trousers and baggy jackets( girls usually buy man trousers because they’re baggier than the women’s ones). As you can see in the pictures I wear tight trousers to ski, baggy ones for snowboarding, and I use the same jacket because it’s baggy.( and I always wear baggy clothes to do sports, because I think you have to enjoy it, not to show people how your clothes suit you).
Usually people ask what’s easier, if skiing or snowboarding, and for me it’s quite difficult to answer this question because when you snowboard you have your feet together and with the skis you do not, so at this point it is easir with skis, but when you are learning how to snowboard and you learn how to stop, you can even go to the black ski run, but not with the skis because you’ll go down really fast since you don’t know enough things to go there.
You know that I like your article and the pictures! :)
" one day I'll practice snow..." jajaja
I love wintersports:D and I also find it very unfortunate that I can't go sking or snowboarding each time I'd like to...
I find snowboarding easier to learn and more exciting:) I started snowboarding last year because earlier I was sking and I got a serious contusion and now I'm a little bit scared of sking:(
but if anybody of you haven't tried to go snowboarding or sking, I strongly recomend it:)
i love skiing! :D
Ilike very much this sport but is very difficult.
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