Thursday 20 November 2008

My favourite song in Catalan



-catalan :)

A la terra humida escric,
nena estic boig per tu,
em passo els dies
esperant la nit.

Com et puc estimar,
si de mi estàs tan lluny;
servil i acabat,
boig per tu.

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar,
jo no puc arribar on ets tu,
però dins la meva copa veig
reflexada la teva llum, me la beuré;
servil i acabat, boig per tu.

Quan no hi siguis al matí,
les llàgrimes es perdran
entre la pluja
que caurà avui.

Em quedaré atrapat,
ebri d'aquesta llum,
servil i acabat,
boig per tu.

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar,
jo no puc arribar on ets tu,
però dins la meva copa veig
reflexada la teva llum, me la beuré;
servil i acabat, boig per tu.

-English :)

On the ground I write,
I’m crazy about you,
I spend my days
waiting for the night.

How can I love you
if you're so far from me;
servile and finished,
crazy about you.

If you aren’t here in the morning,
my tears will be lost
between the rain
which will fall today.

I will be trapped,
drunk with your light,
servile and finished,
crazy about you.

I know very well that from this bar
I can’t get where you are,
but in my glass I see
your light reflected, I’m going to drink it;
servile and finished, crazy about you.


Angela Mas Garcia said...

I like Boig per tu !! because We will sing in the school !!
I always like this song very good choice!


Mònica Villanueva Benet said...

I have always liked this song. It's very romantic and moving and it brings me very nice memories.I also like the fact that it is sung in Catalan.

Pilar Pérez said...

I agree with you. This is a fantastic song and it's a pity that Sau doesn't exist anymore. Together they would have made many more beautiful songs. I'm sure.

Katherine Nuñez said...

helloo elenaaa
I'm Sonia,
I like your song, is very beautiful !


Núria Sánchez said...

beautiful song :)