On the 25th, 26th, 27th March, students of second ESO went on a trip to do their treball de sintesi in Delta de l’Ebre. The Delta is an area by the coast in the south of Catalonia.
We met in Andreu Nin street at 8.00 a.m.
We arrived to the camp house at 11.30 a.m. Then, the monitors talked about the rules and the evolution of the river Delta.
At 15.00 p.m. we went to Tortosa. We visited the cathedral and the castle of La Suda.
We returned to the camp house, we completed the dossier activities.
At night, we had night activities and we went to slept.
On the 26th we went cycling near the Ebre river. We did 15 km in 3 hours. After that, we ate in a cottatge. Later, we had the “perxa” activity.
The perxa is a boat for a 7 people.
The perxa is more difficult than the canoe, because the paddle is heavier.
A few people fell to the water.
We returned to the camp house, we ate dinner and went to the disco.
At the disco we had a great time!
In the morning, before the excursion, the last day, we prepared our bags and we got ready for canoeing.
Canoeing is a very fun activity.
The canoe consists of an paddle with two spades; one spade in horizontal and the other is vertical.
We could go alone or in groups of 2 and 3 persons.
The individualy activity is easier than the grupal activity because when we are two or three people, everybody has to be coordinated because if you don’t we could fall.
After the activity we returned to school and our families came to pick us.
We all were very tired because this activity isn’t difficult but is tiring.
by: Sara,Laura,Sergio
Sara, I like your presentation very much. You took very nice pictures of our stay in Delta de l'Ebre. It's a pity you didn't take any of the people who fell into the water.
Nice presentation Sara, Sergio and Laura. I really like the pictures. It seems you had a great time there...
Really nice pictures. Beautiful scenery and landscpes. No wonder you had a wonderful time there.
I think the best Credit de Sintesi was when i was in 1st of ESO.
Somehow, i love your presentation.
I hope you had a good time.
See u!
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