Wednesday, 6 May 2009

1st prize prose St. Jordi


I was in the Maquinista, to promote the Andalusian April's Fair. The weather was nice, the Sun wasn't strong but it wasn't cold. As I was approaching the place where I had to meet my mates, I saw more and more people, people who where already there for hours.

I was there together with my companions, behind a few wide and big stairs. We were waiting, nervous. My body was trembling while we listened to many people behind the stage but I didn't see people.

My hands were cold, I was frightened but at the same time brave, I was worried but, at the same time, determined...

I was feeling as if my heart was exploding because the beats were rapid and strong.

They made a group of people go down the stairs and I knew that in few minutes it would be me.

I was waiting with impatience, I couldn't stop listening to voices. Even though some of them were known, it was a strange sensation, but not a new sensation, I had already lived through it before, but I had never felt so nervous.

Suddenly, I listened to the presenter. A gentleman with an elegant suit was presenting us.

We were going up in pairs, carefully because the stairs had holes.

After the stairs one found a great stage.

We went up at the same time, with a green and black dress and a beautiful green flower on the right side.

I knew that the voices and the clapping were coming from below but I could not see anybody. I was trying to look for familiar faces but it was impossible for me because a few enormous spot lights were lighting us. Suddenly they started extinguishing the spot lights a bit and I could see that wherever I was looking there was always someone.

The music sounded and we started dancing I believe our dancing was good I did my best bearing in mind how nervous I was

Having finished I thought...

Nervous, why? When I dance I feel better.


Laura Vera said...

I like your story.
You are very sentimental.^^

Klaudia Żerańska said...

that's a very nice one! post more if you can :]

Agnieszka Paszkowska said...

I didn't know U were writing stories:)

Great job:)Congratulations!

Asia Mioduszewska said...

You really took part in a competition or You created the story? because it seems to be so true;)