We would like to thank You very much for everything:
• for giving us the opportunity to visit Barcelona,
• for whole week an for each day that we spent with You,
• for letting us stay in Your houses,
• for introducing us to Your families and to Your friends,
• for showing us Your normal day,
• for telling us about Your city,
• for Your patience when we were annoying ,
• for unforgettable moments,
• for every smile You gave us,
• and for every tear we lost when we were leaving,
• And for many other things;)
Sometimes “Thank You” is not enough but here are some of thanks of Polish people- that should tell You everything:) :
Thanks for this wonderful week! I spent a great time in Barcelona with you and I'll never forget it. And of course I hope you'll like your visit to Poland as well. Looking forward to seeing you in June again!- Agnieszka

A big thank you to Ainoa and family for a nice stay and the trips to the city :) I had a really good time in Barcelona and it was very nice to meet you all!!! -Basia
Thanks a lot. You are the best family I could live with. - Magda
Nuria, I would like to thank you and your family for making it possible for me to stay in your house during the exchange. Because of the friendly atmosphere in your family I felt like at home. I hope you will also have such a great time in Poland as I had in Spain. I'm looking forward to see you again. Kisses. Ania
Thanks for everyone! I had really great time with U my Spanish friends. Thanks for your hospitality and for every honest smile that U gave me. I hope to see U soon so keep in touch!
- Piotrek
Laura, thanks for letting me stay In Your house. It was really nice to meet Your family. I’m very glad that I could spend my time SO fantastic! Thanks for everyone for everything. Love,

I would like to thank You very much because it was the Best foreign trip I’ve ever participated. I’ve never been to Spain before and I’m really glad that I could see it with Your eyes.
I would also like to say “thank You” to my Spanish family. Edmon, I really enjoyed talking with You and chatting with You Mum and Sisters in the evenings. Thanks for Helena for letting me sleep in her bedroom and for You Grandma for preparing the best tortilla I’ve ever eaten. Oh, and of course hugs for Blucky:) This week I spent with You was one of the best weeks in my life and I’m sure that it will stay in my memory for many, many year. I really regret that You can’t come to Poland but I hope that one day You will be able to and You will visit me:)
Oh, and of course thanks for Paula that I could meet her family:)
See You All in the Future;*
Thank you so much for everything. I'm really happy that I could live for a while with you. It was great to meet you and to spend time with you. I miss you and I'm waiting for you to come to Poland. I hope to see you one more time. Thank you so much for everything once more.
Ina :):)
I...I have no words...
I'm crying, I promisse...
I hope that we will see all together soon, and hug you all again.
I miss u, really.
I have no words, I have to repeat again because I don't know what to say...really.
Thanks for all the moments, all the jokes, all the love that you gave me, it was a fantastic week.
Thanks for stay there and think about us.
With love,
I'm thrilled for it...
I think the same of Lara..
I haven't got words.. it was fantastic and I hope that we can repeat in June!
thanks for all!
I think the same of Laura and Nuria
thanks for all days with you
these days was fantastics!
I will see in June!
thaks for you also, for comming to Bcn!!! I miss youuuuuuuuuu a lottttttttttttttttt :(
Glad to see you've developed such feelings of bonding and friendship.That gives us, teachers, a lot of energy to keep on working
We must also thank you for the opportunity you gave us to show you our homes and our life style. I think it won't be a suprise for you if I say that we also had a great time with you. You only had to look at our faces, always smiling and, from time to time, laughing without being able to stop. We'd like to repeat the experience in Olsztyn next month of June.
we MUST repeat it in June.
we WILL repeat it in June:D
Chicas don't You cry;*
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