Saturday, 19 September 2009
Let's talk;)
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Results from cinema's inquire

Pedro Almodóvar: He is a Spanish film director, screenwriter and producer. Some of his most important films are Labyrinth of Passions (1982), All About My Mother (1999), Broken Embraces... He won 6 Goya ( 2 for the best director, 3 for the best film and one for the most original script) and 2 Oscars ( one for the most original script and the other for the best film where English doesn’t appear) along his career.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
That week that we spent with You was wonderful time for us. Thank You for coming here, for having a barbecue together, for bowling, for sightseeing, for spending time with us, for studying with us and for many, many other things that cannot be said with any words. We had together moments that will last in our memories for ever and even one day longer. We hope that You won’t forget about us too and one time in the future we will meet each other again. We also hope that our friendship will last long, long in the future. We miss You very, very much.
Hugs and kisses
- The Polish
Monday, 15 June 2009
Young people in summer in Catalunya
·Holidays: Summer holidays are the most important period of the year. During summer, people go to the beach, the swimming pool or simply relax on the sofa with a soft drink. In Catalunya, on June 19th, we finish school and, finally, we can enjoy the sun. But when people fail some subjects, they need to re-sit the subjet with an exam. Normally, this exam is the next week after finishing the lessons.

·The beach: Normally, in Catalunya, the swimming pool is full and ,consequently, we decide to go to the beach because… IT’S FREE!! In our beaches there’re a lot of different people:
·Surfers: They come to the beach to practise surfing and windsurfing, but in Barcelona, there aren’t good waves and ,consequently, there aren’t a lot of surfers.
·Nudists: Nudists have got their own beach, because some people don’t like to see the naked bodies of the people.
·Grandparents: They are the oldest people in the beach. They like to getting a suntan (women), and men like to staying in the beach under the beach umbrella and playing cards, domino or chess with their friends.
·Young people: The like chatting with other people and playing badminton or football, they’re a little bit loud, but are good people.
·Barcelona: Barcelona is full of tourists in summer, the beach and the swimmingpool specially. In summer, it is a very beautiful city because there are a lot of people, it’s sunny, but sometimes it is very stressful. Normally, young people go away from the city, but some people decide to stay in the city on holidays.
·Summer camps: In Catalunya, some young people go to summer camps. In this sites, people do different activities, like games, excursions,etc… There are different types of camps: English camps, Sports camps… These activities last for two months aproximately, and boys and girls about 12-17 years old participate in it.
·Boy scouts: Boy scouts are a group of young people. They do different excurions along the year but the most important is in summer. This excursion is about two weeks and normally is in a lake or in a site with water. In this sort of club, people meet other people and it’s fun, you can go to sites and make friends .
To sum up, summer is a good season for everyone: kids, young people, grand parents…
Friday, 12 June 2009
Traffic jam in rainy Poland
Monday, 8 June 2009
Survey about travelling
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Monday, 18 May 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009

Thursday, 14 May 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Posters up to 20 meters ...

It's free, you only need the software and about 5-10 minutes (without taking into account printing and placing it on the wall).
Steps to follow:
1. Download the program or use the web aplication .Note that the web version has more restrictions and the size and resolution will be lower.2. Run Rasterbator and select the image
3. Select the paper size and alignment (A4, A3 etc) (horizontal or vertical).
4. Set the output size: (see the poster of the photo).
5. Set the desired options in “rasterbation”: color and resolution
6. Select the output directory and press' Rasterbate!
7. Finished: Print it and place it on the wall.

Ronyasoft offers ProPoster a non-free software to make posters at home.
Steps to follow:
1.Download program at or Pay to use the program and register it.
3.Select image and size.
4. Print the images.

Block posters is a free website
pplication, here you can upload your photo and print it like a giant poster.Steps to follow:
1. Upload your photo in the webpage.
2. Modify the image
3. Print the images.
Only 3 steps!
With Poster 8 you can make super banners, signs, certificates…
Steps to follow:
1-Download the software at
www.postersw.com2-Purchase it and register Poster 8.
3-Only 60 seconds to make your image.
4-Print and hang on the wall.
In my opinion, the best choice is Rasterbator because it has many options and editing tools and it’s free.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
"Treball de síntesi" of 2nd ESO
On the 25th, 26th, 27th March, students of second ESO went on a trip to do their treball de sintesi in Delta de l’Ebre. The Delta is an area by the coast in the south of Catalonia.
We met in Andreu Nin street at 8.00 a.m.
We arrived to the camp house at 11.30 a.m. Then, the monitors talked about the rules and the evolution of the river Delta.
At 15.00 p.m. we went to Tortosa. We visited the cathedral and the castle of La Suda.
We returned to the camp house, we completed the dossier activities.
At night, we had night activities and we went to slept.
On the 26th we went cycling near the Ebre river. We did 15 km in 3 hours. After that, we ate in a cottatge. Later, we had the “perxa” activity.
The perxa is a boat for a 7 people.
The perxa is more difficult than the canoe, because the paddle is heavier.
A few people fell to the water.
We returned to the camp house, we ate dinner and went to the disco.
At the disco we had a great time!
In the morning, before the excursion, the last day, we prepared our bags and we got ready for canoeing.
Canoeing is a very fun activity.
The canoe consists of an paddle with two spades; one spade in horizontal and the other is vertical.
We could go alone or in groups of 2 and 3 persons.
The individualy activity is easier than the grupal activity because when we are two or three people, everybody has to be coordinated because if you don’t we could fall.
After the activity we returned to school and our families came to pick us.
We all were very tired because this activity isn’t difficult but is tiring.
by: Sara,Laura,Sergio
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
1st prize prose St. Jordi
I was in the Maquinista, to promote the Andalusian April's Fair. The weather was nice, the Sun wasn't strong but it wasn't cold. As I was approaching the place where I had to meet my mates, I saw more and more people, people who where already there for hours.
I was there together with my companions, behind a few wide and big stairs. We were waiting, nervous. My body was trembling while we listened to many people behind the stage but I didn't see people.
My hands were cold, I was frightened but at the same time brave, I was worried but, at the same time, determined...
I was feeling as if my heart was exploding because the beats were rapid and strong.
They made a group of people go down the stairs and I knew that in few minutes it would be me.
I was waiting with impatience, I couldn't stop listening to voices. Even though some of them were known, it was a strange sensation, but not a new sensation, I had already lived through it before, but I had never felt so nervous.
Suddenly, I listened to the presenter. A gentleman with an elegant suit was presenting us.
We were going up in pairs, carefully because the stairs had holes.
After the stairs one found a great stage.
We went up at the same time, with a green and black dress and a beautiful green flower on the right side.
I knew that the voices and the clapping were coming from below but I could not see anybody. I was trying to look for familiar faces but it was impossible for me because a few enormous spot lights were lighting us. Suddenly they started extinguishing the spot lights a bit and I could see that wherever I was looking there was always someone.
The music sounded and we started dancing I believe our dancing was good I did my best bearing in mind how nervous I was
Having finished I thought...
Nervous, why? When I dance I feel better.
Spanish cinema

The first productions of Spanish cinema were in 1886 and the first Spanish film was “Salida de la misa de dode de la iglesia del Pilar de Zaragoza” and the director was Eduardo Jimeno Correas.
In Spain, we have got different types of cinema:
Historical: It explains the big adventures of the past and they are classified into different types (colonial, medieval ages and independence wars).
Bandit cinema: It describes the lives of the bandits and invaders in the XVIII century.
Classical cinema: It show us important images of literature.
Musical: This type of cinema is very popular in the world. This kind of films consists of telling a story with music. Here we can find a folklore cinema, zarzuela cinema…
Finally, in the Spanish cinema we can find terror films, comedy and romance films…
Maths competitions
In our school we have different competitions to improve Maths.
There are 3 different competitions in which our school participates:
“Cangur” is in March or April, and some students go to UPC, one of the unversities of Barcelona. You go one morning and answer 30 questions, without anyone to help you or calculator. If you win the competition you’ll win one thing of these: a laptop, a camera, an mp3, an iPod, a printer.
“Problemes a l’esprint” is a competition in which you have to resolve maths problems as fast as you can. For each school there is one group of students that will resolve these maths problems.
The winner is the group that resolves all the questions better and faster than the others.”Olimpiades Matemàtiques” is a competition held since 1965 where you have to resolve problems but these problems are very difficult and you have to be very good at maths.
The best three win the Gold medal, the next three win the silver medal and another three win the bronze medal.
The 9 persons have to go to the “Olimpiades Espanyoles” and after that to “Olimpiades Internacionals” and they win cash money.
Monday, 4 May 2009
1st prize poetry St. Jordi

I like rats
The white, grey, and black rats
I love rats
They are wonderful when they eat cheese.
I want a rat
With red eyes and a long tail
My rat will have
Good teeth and little legs
I love rats.
I will have a rat
Because I don’t like the cats,
The only cat I like
Is Garfield because he doesn’t eat rats
I love Garfield.
I want a rat
Because they don’t pay mortgage
They live in the sewer
They don’t pay water; the water is free in the sewer
I love rats.
I like rats
The white, grey, and black rats
I love the rats.
by Vladimir
RACE ' El Corte Inglés '
The race El Corte Inglés is a race in Barcelona’s streets.
It’s on 24thth of May.
This year is the 31st celebration of this competition.
The race is 11 km and lasts 2 hours.It’s easy.
In this race, a lot of people participate. And the money they raise helps other foundations, for example the down syndrome foundation.
When you participate, el Corte Inglés gives you a medal and a voucher to exchange for a drink and another for a 15% discount in sport clothes, because the important thing is to participate. When you finish the race, they give you a certificate.
The race is sponsored by: Coca Cola (coke drink)
The best team in the world

The Barcelona football club (Barça) at present is the best team in the world because Barça won Real Madrid 2-6 at the Bernabeu (Real Madrid stadium). Barça is the champion of the league in Spain.
Barça is also at the semifinal of the Champions and is going to play against Chelsea, which is a very good rival for Barça. If Barça reaches the final stages of the Champions, I think that they will be the winners.
If Barça wins, they will be the best team in the world and I think that they will, because they are the winners of the league and also they are in the final stages of the “ Copa del Rey” (the King’s Spanish Championship). In my opinion, the “Copa del Rey” will be the second prize this year because the first is the league and the third is the Champions. If Barça wins the three competitions, this will be a record in history. Never a team has won the three competitions because it is very difficult. I am very excited about it!!!!Friday, 1 May 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Who said it isn’t art?
Barcelona used to be a dream city for graffiti artists around the world. Famous names such as Miss Van, Pez, Skum, Debens, Señor Kern, Sixe Art, Kram or Flan have painted some of the walls of our city. However, Barcelona’s City Council has passed a new by-law which aims at cracking down on graffiti. They say they want to stop taggers who just scribble their signature, but the result is that at the moment it is absolutely forbidden to do any kind of graffiti unless you have explicit permission by the proprietor of the building.
In my opinion, good graffiti makes the city more colourful and it is a fantastic way to express not only personal feelings but also political or social messages. Many cities are famous for their murals: NY, Belfast, Berlin. Why not Barcelona?
Saturday, 25 April 2009
The Golden Gate (Zlota Brama) marks the beginning of the Royal Route. Dating back to the 16th Century this gate would have been part of the city walls but today only the gate still stands (as does Florianska Gate in Krakow). Dluga Street (Ulica Dluga), which formed part of the Royal Way, is arguably the most picturesque street in Gdansk. Dating back to 1331 Dluga Street was the home of Gdansk's elite town officials, bankers, ship magnates etc. The street still has an air of "money" about it as the beautifully decorated buildings can testify.
Neptune's Fountain in Gdansk's Old Town
As you walk down Dluga Street the Main Town Hall can be found on the left hand side and it dates from the 14th Century. Once home to the famous astronomer Hevelius the building is now open to the public and is worth a visit if only to see the beautifully restored rooms (the Red Room is particularly stunning). Neptune's Fountain is nearby and this beautiful fountain is considered to be the symbol of Gdansk. It is located in front of Artus' Court (an impressive 16th Century mansion). During WWII the fountain was hidden from the Nazis and only returned to it's rightful place in 1954. Executions also used to take place in this square centuries ago.
Old building on Dluga Street, Gdansk
At the end of Dluga Street is the Motlawa river which leads to the Baltic. Here you will always find a variety of vessels moored, not to mention all the amber shops and nautical themed shops. Turning left you are confronted by the sight of the medieval crane or Zuraw. This was originally built in the 14th Century and subsequently rebuilt in the 15th Century after a devastating fire. The crane was used for loading cargo ships and was also used for ship construction.
Walking towards the crane, the second street on the left is St. Mary's Street (Ulica Mariacki) and is arguably the most atmospheric street in Gdansk. The architecture is reminiscent of Amsterdam with ornate steps and guttering adorning each house. Some of the best amber in town can be found on this street. At the end of the street is St Mary's Church which is believed to be the largest brick church in the world-it can hold upto 25,000 people ! If you're feeling fit enough you can climb one of the towers to enjoy stunning views of the city and surrounding areas.
St Mary's Church in Gdansk
Alicja Kuck, Aleksandra StrotFriday, 24 April 2009
Saint Jordi
Last Thursday, we had a fantastic day of Saint Jordi.
The school had been previously decorated with the art works by students in 4th of ESO. As you can see in the pictures, they painted a fantastic dragon and drew plenty of pictures with symbols associated to the festivity.
In the morning, we enjoyed the celebration at school with different activities: a poetry reading, a short play, songs by the school choir and by the guitar group, dancing etc. Also, something which is really traditional: the ceremony in which everyone knows the winners of our literary contest. Participants had written either poems or short stories in Spanish, Catalan, French or English. By the way, some of the students who usually collaborate on this blog got a prize. Maybe they want to share their compositions with us.
We also read a sentence from La Plaça del Diamant by Mercè Rodoreda, a very important Catalan woman writer, in all the languages spoken at school. There were 18 different languages!!!!!!!!!!!
We were free in the afternoon (that really makes a difference!!!) and it was fantastic because the weather was sunny and warm and we could spend quite a few hours strolling to see the roses and book stalls. Did you buy or got any books as a present? Any roses? Or both?
If you want to get a glimpse of the beauty of this celebration in Catalonia, just have a look at the images of this Flickr group named "Day of Saint Jordi.. a book.. a rose.."
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Poll Creator
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Congratulations again!!!!

Dear Polish and Catalan boys and girls who collaborate on this blog,
We’ve learnt that we are in the list of blogs which have reached the final in the state competition of blogs organised by Asociación Espiral , Educación y Tecnología (Spiral association for education and technology). The number of blogs taking part in the competition is quite important and there are blogs from many places in Spain.
We’ll know the final result of the jury on May 4th. However, what matters is that our blog has been positively evaluated so far and that we have to keep on working very hard to do things even better. Perhaps even more important: we have to keep on learning through technology and enjoying blogging as a means of communication.
For more information on Edublog, just click.