The pogo is a dance where the dancers jump up and down, while remaining in the same location; the dance takes its name from its resemblance to the use of a pogo stick, especially in a common version of the dance, where an individual keeps their torso stiff, their arms rigid, and their legs close together. Although just as often, pogo dancers will flail their arms around wildly while thrashing their bodies about.
While similar to the religious dances of the Pentecostal faith and various African tribes, pogo dancing is perhaps most associated with punk rock, as both performers and audience members at punk rock performances often pogo; a pogo mob is a group of pogo dancers at a punk concert (see also punk dance).
The basic steps allows for a variety of interpretations, including some which appear quite violent. Pogo dancers have their choice of:
* keeping their torsos rigid or thrashing them about;
* holding their arms stiffly at their sides or flailing them;
* keeping their legs together or kicking about;
* jumping straight up and down, jumping in any direction, or spinning in the air.

Usually dancers collide, but this is not necessary part of pogo dancing. An uninformed bystander might get the impression that the dancers are attacking one another. People sometimes get injured when pogoing, but, more often than not, pogoers who fall to the ground are helped up instead of getting trampled. There is a general understanding that the pogo is fun, not a fight. There are more violent versions of the pogo, for example "slam dancing", where people hurl themselves into a whirling frenzy of exuberant physical emotion and energy. The risk of injury in this variant is a little higher, although it is still taboo to hurt others on purpose. As with any vigorous activity performed in close quarters, the body heat, as well as the pressure created on the soles of the feet, shins, and knees by the pogo dance requires great stamina or at least much enthusiasm by anyone "pogoing" for a whole song or an extended amount of time. Some pogo aficionados pride themselves in "pogoing" for the duration of the whole set of songs.
Punk rock pogo is characterized by large amounts of jumping. And metal pogo is characterized by an increased level of aggression.
Pogo dancing is my favourite kind of dance as I can feel unity with other people and even if it seems strange or unbelievable for you, when I dance pogo with men they really take care of me and other girls:)
Where do you go do dance pogo? only concerts? In discos??
Could you tell me any groups of pogo music?
could we say that is similar to jumpstyle?
kisses =)
I like pogo dance because it's full of energy and freedom - there're no rules in dancing and people move in their own way ;)
Good job Asia ;)!
You can pogo everywhere ;) and this is great in this dance:) all you need are legs, music (even in your head) and you can pogo:D
but pogo can be very peaceful like here: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=x_cV6qNBDz4
a bit more dangerous like here: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj-O4QhATyI
or very agressive and dangerous when connected with mosh like here: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ_mdej9vko
but please don't be scared after watching the last movie as it shows pogo and mosh, and mosh is that you behave like you'd like to hit everyone around you:P
It's rather not similar to jumpstyle as there are no rules in pogo and i jumpstyle there are. the only similarity is that people jump:)
Asia, I love those movie clips, especially the last one.
when my boyfriend showed it to me I was really shocked but totally impressed xD I'd love to see it in reality:D
You too? xD toda la gente: vamos juntos? xD
haha.. you wrote right spanish =D
thank you for the videos; I was not scared xD but I didn't know about this type of dance..
thank you for tell us about that =)
I think that Pogo is like in Spain we dance Punk, for example, here you can see some videos recorded in Spain:
The seecond is a friend band, he plays the guitar^^
A lot of kisses ASIA! =)
what does it mean--> "toda la gente: vamos juntos" ?
toda la gente = somebody
vamos juntos = go together !
kisses MICHAL!
it means
toda la gente = everybody
vamos juntos = go together¡
=) kisses
you know, I ment that we all should go to a corcert like this one and then we could take part in a pogo like that one:D
I think that Pogo and Punk is the same or almost the same, because also Punks are connected with pogo in Poland:D
Paula how are You?;*:D
All right Asia! =) and how are you?? are you coming in January to Barcelona? I hope!! I'm looking forward to see you! =)
a lot of kisses!
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