L'Empordà by:Sopa de cabra (Goat soup)
Nascut entre Blanes i Cadaqués,
molt tocat per la Tramuntana,
d'una sola cosa pots estar segur,
quant més vell més tocat de l'ala.
Sempre deia que a la matinada es mataria,
però cap al migdia anava ben torrat.
Somriu i diu que no té pressa,
ningú m'espera allà dalt
i anar a l'infern no m'interessa,
és molt més bonic l'Empordà.
Varen passar ampolles i anys
i en Siset encara aguantava
dormint la mona a la vora del Ter
però ell mai no s'hi tirava.
Sempre deia qua a la matinada es mataria,
però cap al migdia anava ben torrat.
Somriu i diu que no té pressa,
ningú m'espera allà dalt
i anar a l'infern no m'interessa,
és molt més bonic l'Empordà.
I quan veig la llum de l'alba
se'm treuen les ganes de marxar
potser que avui no em suicidi
potser ho deixi fins demà,
fins demà, fins demà!!
Borm between Blanes and Cadaques
very influenced by the wind Tramuntana
of a single thing you can be sure
the older he’s, the crazier.
He always said that he would comit suicide in the morning
but around noon was well pissed
Smiles and says I’m not in a hurry.
and I’m not interested in going to hell,
the Empordà is much prettier.
Many years and alcohol bottles later
and Siset still resisted sleeping completely drunk
on the banks of Ter river.
He always said that he would comit suicide in the morning
but around noon was well pissed
Smiles and says I’m not in a hurry.
and I’m not interested in going to hell,
the Empordà is much prettier.
And when I see the light of dawm I don’t feel like leaving
Maybe today I won’t commit suicide
I'll leave it until tomorrow,
until tomorrow,until tomorrow!!
1 comment:
I think, that there is really fantastic song. Do you like that's kind of song??
Amd have you got more kind of this song??
I really want to listen more!!
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