We’re Maria and Núria and we’re going to talk about our experience in Holland ( 2007 ) and Poland (2008) with the Comenius project.
We participated in this project when we were in 2nd of ESO. The teachers chose ten students of different levels to travel. After that, we went to Holland for one week. Everyone was in Dutch houses. For us it was difficult to speak the firsts days because it was a new thing for us. With this experience we learnt to communicate better, we met new people, knew a new culture… It was a fantastic week!

In 2008 we participated again in the Comenius project but this time it was more difficult to travel again to Poland because the previous year, as we said, we travelled to Holland but we were lucky and travelled again. This time we didn’t have any problems to communicate with the people and met new people again and saw the Dutch people that we had met the previous year.
We liked both countries, the families that took care of us…
This experience was very fruitful for us and the rest of the people.
it was one of best weeks in my life, when you were in Poland :) really :)
=) mine too
and I want all you in january here¡
I'm very happy and satisfied that you liked the experiences and that you met such nice people in both countries. I won't forget this first Comenius Project and the friends I met in Holland and Poland, too. Let's hope we have another opportunity like this in the near future.
Glad you publish a post like this. For me it is very rewarding to see students who keep being so thrilled about the experience. It gives me energy to try to start a new project in the future. Let's see if we can find the partners.In fact, travelling and meeting people from other cultures is one of the best experiences in life.
good work, i miss polish people, i hope that we will see them again.
I love this experience, i think that was the best in my life.
I want that people from 2nd d'ESO participate and will go to Poland like us.
kisses and hugs!
That's fantastic your memories from the first project we worked on together are full of positive emotions. It makes us, teachers, believe that such events really make sense and that there are students who definitely benefit from them. That's real pleasure. I hope you will all also like our new project - Polish - Catalan exchange. See you in Barcelona in January and a few moments later in Olsztyn.
I hope we'll spend as nice weeks together next year as we did in april:D
The experience was fantastic, and I hope could repeat in the future.
I couldn't forget this week in my life, and i hope see you as soon as posible! =)
I miss you girls and boys =(
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