-My father’s name is Jose and he works as a floor board installer in a company in Sant Cugat (Barcelona). My dad is a good person but is a little bit serious and lazy. He loves football. He is a Barça's fan. Also, he likes fishing and swimming.
-My mother's name is Mercedes and she works in Catalonia's hotel in the morning. She also goes to a naturopathy school on Tuesdays. My mother is a patient person that likes learning. She likes Mayan culture and she would like to travel to India or Egypt.
-My older sister's name is Erika and she goes to university to study art in the morning and she works in the “Arxiu històric de Barcelona” (the historic archive of the city) in the evenings. She's a sweet person but sometimes she is very nervous. Her favourite hobby is travelling with her friends or her family. She would like to work as an artist.
-My dog's name is Yogui. It's a small dog, He is black and it has curly hair. He likes playing and going out.
-I’m the crazy one in the family. I’m a good student. My favourite hobby is dancing but I also like roller-skating. I like meeting my friends. I would like to study “batxillerat” (post compulsory education) and go to university to be a journalist.
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