-Blogs are to inform and to be informed.
-Blogs are intended to think, write, share and participate
-Write about yourself and about the world: “The more engaged you are with your subject, the more interesting your writing will be.”
-Be personal and creative.
-Be critical. Try to get information from different sources and try to compare and contrast different points of view.
-Cooperate actively with the rest of the bloggers.
-Respect bloggers’ freedom of speech.
-Respect lifestyles different from yours.
-Express your own ideas freely.
-Listen and read other bloggers’ opinions.
-Make suggestions, give your opinions about things: blogs reinforce democracy and individualism.
-Accept criticism.
-Encourage dialogue with the community of bloggers.
-Welcome new bloggers.
-Be accurate. Do not make up facts or figures. Be responsible for your contributions.
-Always mention the sources of your information. Allow your readers access to your primary sources.
Adapted from different sources:
· Manifiesto Blog (Eventoblog 2006). http://www.eventoblog.com/manifiesto/
· Diez consejos para la legibilidad de un blog docente. http://www.actilingua.net/2006/01/10-consejos-para-la-legibilidad-de-un.html
· Educastur.Web Social Educativa 2.0.Aplicación didáctica de los blogs. http://www.slideshare.net/nestoralonso/blogs-y-educacin
· Blood, R. Ten tips for a better Weblog. http://www.rebeccablood.net/essays/ten_tips.html
· Valero, A. Cómo escribir un artículo de blog. http://avalerofer.blogspot.com/2007/01/cmo-escribir-un-artculo-de-blog.html
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